PAC 141 – A Political Ambition without Legal Constraints The COP21 Outcomes

By Weiting Chao. Translation: Lea Sharkey

The Paris Climate Conference (COP21) opened in Le Bourget on November 30, 2015. The conference reunited 147 State Leaders, negotiators representing 195 countries and 50 000 participants. On December 12, a global agreement replacing the Kyoto Protocol has been adopted…

PAC 125 – The Mediterranean, Laboratory of Turbulence Migrant Shipwrecks

By Catherine Wihtol de Wenden
Translation: Lawrence Myers
Passage au crible n° 125
The end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015 were the setting for new migratory catastrophes in the Mediterranean. In the South of the peninsula, the Italian coast guard intercepted two cargo ships, abandoned by the smugglers who had chartered them.