Oct 23, 2013 | Africa, Human rights, International Justice, Passage au crible (English)
By Yves Poirmeur Translation: Lawrence Myers
The trial of Kenyan vice president, William Ruto, began in front of the ICC (International Criminal Court) on September 10, 2013. The same will be true for the Kenyan president, Uhuru Kenyatta, on November 12…
Sep 5, 2012 | Human rights, International Justice, Passage au crible (English)
By Yves Poirmeur Translation: Pierre Chabal
Former Liberian President Charles Taylor was sentenced on May 30th, 2012, to 50 years imprisonment by the Special Court for Sierra Leone. He was found an accomplice to war crimes and crimes against humanity…
Jul 31, 2011 | Human rights, International Justice, Passage au crible (English), UN
By Yves Poirmeur
Translation: Davina Durgana
Passage au crible n°46
Indicted since 1995 for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide by the ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia), General Ratko Mladic was arrested on May 26th, 2011 by Serbian authorities…
May 2, 2011 | Human rights, International Justice, Passage au crible (English)
By Yves Poirmeur
Translation: Davina Durgana
Passage au crible n°40
The United Nations Security Council decided in Resolution 1970 on February 26th, 2011 to give jurisdiction to the ICC (International Criminal Court) on the situation in Libya. In fact, the regime of Colonel Ghadaffi is suspected…
Nov 12, 2010 | Human rights, International Justice, Passage au crible (English), Public international law
By Yves Poirmeur
Translation: Davina Durgana
Passage au crible n°29
On October 11th, 2010 French authorities arrested Callixte Mbarushimana, Executive Secretary of the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda- Combatant forces Abacunguzi, endorsed by an arrest warrant..
Oct 26, 2009 | Human rights, International Justice, Passage au crible (English), United Nations
By Josepha Laroche
Translation : Naïma Carthew
Passage au crible n°2
On 14th October 2009, the prosecutor of the ICC (the International Criminal Court seated in The Hague) decided to initiate “a preliminary examination” of the brutally deteriorating situation in Guinea…