PAC 126 – The High Seas Victim of Transnational Crime The Sinking of the Poacher Thunder in São Tomé and Principe, April 6, 2015

By Valérie Le Brenne
Translation: Lawrence Myers
Passage au crible n° 126
On April 6, 2015, the Thunder sank in the waters of São Tomé and Principe. Accused of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU) and suspected of human trafficking, this vessel flying the Nigerian flag was the subject of a purple notice given by Interpol in 2003. The captain of the Bob Barker – a Sea Shepherd ship launched in pursuit of the poacher more than one hundred days ago – immediately declared that it was a matter of scuttling.

PAC 125 – The Mediterranean, Laboratory of Turbulence Migrant Shipwrecks

By Catherine Wihtol de Wenden
Translation: Lawrence Myers
Passage au crible n° 125
The end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015 were the setting for new migratory catastrophes in the Mediterranean. In the South of the peninsula, the Italian coast guard intercepted two cargo ships, abandoned by the smugglers who had chartered them.