Oct 14, 2014 | environment, Global Public Goods, Passage au crible (English)
By Valérie Le Brenne Translation: Lawrence Myers
From September 11-18, 2014, the IWC (International Whaling Commission) convened in Portorož, Slovenia for its 65th biannual meeting. During this gathering which brought together nearly 90 states…
Mar 19, 2014 | environment, European Union, Passage au crible (English)
By Florian Hévelin Translation: Lawrence Myers
On January 30, 2014, the fishing fleet of the French group Intermarché – Scapêche – committed itself to no longer plunge its nets beyond 800 meters depth…
Dec 19, 2013 | Development, environment, North-South, Passage au crible (English)
By Weiting Chao
Translation : Lawrence Myers
Passage au crible n°102
From November 11-23 2013, the 19th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 19) in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was held in Warsaw and the 9th session…
Dec 2, 2013 | environment, Global Public Goods, Passage au crible (English), Security
By Clément Paule
Translation: Marion Marchet
Passage au crible n°98
The removal of more than 1,500 nuclear fuel rods immersed in the reactor 4’s pool of Fukushima Daiichi’s damaged plant – a huge enterprise expected to last about a year – has started…
Apr 15, 2013 | environment, Passage au crible (English), Security
By Clément Paule
Translation: Anton Stzepourginski
Passage au crible n°88
At the beginning of April 2013, there were several radioactive leaks near Fukushima where a nuclear catastrophe had happened two years earlier. According to TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company)…
Apr 2, 2013 | environment, Global Public Goods, Passage au crible (English)
By Valérie Le Brenne
Translation: Anton Stzepourginski
Passage au crible n°87
Between the 3rd and the 14th of March 2013, Bangkok held the 16th conference of the parties to CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora)…