Viols en temps de guerre Raphaëlle Branche, Fabrice Virgili, Paris, Payot

This collective work takes an interdisciplinary approach by bringing together the contributions of anthropologists, historians, legal experts, political scientists, and sociologists. The analyzed cases of rape refer to numerous countries like Bangladesh, Columbia or the Republic of the Congo. It also talks about numerous conflicts: the two World Wars as well as local confrontations such as the Greek Civil War or the clash that opposed private militias and Maoist guerrillas in Bihar. This collective body of research underlines an object all too often neglected by the social sciences. It has indeed remained marginalized in the academic field and on the battlefield. However, rape constitutes a weapon of mass terror with regards to civilian populations. It is a question of a crime occupying a central place in wars even though by and large it has been explicitly outlawed by civil and military penal codes since the beginning of the modern era. Raphaëlle Branche, Fabrice Virigili, Viols en temps de guerre, Paris, Payot, 2013, 359...

Le Droit d’émigrer Catherine Wihtol de Wenden, Paris, CNRS Éditions

The author, a recognized migration specialist for many years, points out in this booklet a paradox: while the goods, capital and information travels freely, yet, individuals do not all have the right to the international mobility. That is to say, that this very issue discussed here concerns all countries, especially the European states. Indeed, some of them are now experiencing a rise of xenophobia and nationalism that often triumph in the polls. In front of this situation, Catherine Withol de Wenden declares the need to establish an international right of migrants as an urgency and “an essential aspect of human development”. For this political scientist, this would of course mean that we initially define a “soil less and de-territorialized citizenship” to protect them who were about 240 million in 2013 making only 3.1 % of the world population. Catherine Wihtol de Wenden, Le Droit d’émigrer, Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2013, 58 p.,...

L’Attraction mondiale Frédéric Ramel, Paris, Presses de Sc. Po

By combining the analysis of international relations with political philosophy, the author believes a political unification movement has been permeating the world stage. Yet, reasons of this historic turning point still have to be identified. Do closer ties between States explain it? What kind of institutional form does it take: justice, peace? In order to answer to these questions, F. Ramel has been working on the main currents of thought in order to stress their singularities. It allows the reader to take hold of current controversies, wisely. Yet, whether the latter deals with the conflict between cosmopolitism and communitarianism, whether the perspective of a coming destruction of the environment is acknowledged or whether we give humanity a new status, the multi-secular tension between the universal and the particular always win. Frédéric Ramel, L’Attraction mondiale, Paris, Presses de Sc. Po, 2013, 287 p., including 24 p. of references and...